Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Rogue Trader Squat: Barry Schmeisser

This is a little bit of a 'place-holder' update really.
Due to a family bereavement, and my workload of the Xmas period I haven't had the opportunity to do any painting. I have however been e-baying for my fantasy armies, but more on that in the new year.
So here are a few of the Squats I painted last month for the continuing Hyglar's Hellraiser army.

Enjoy :)
A group of the  'Barry Schmeisser' miniature.
 Front view.
Rear view.

In January I plan to finally finish the Hyglar's Hellraisers project, and then move onto Fatansy armies.


  1. Great work on the squats Lee, sorry to hear of your loss, and hope you have a great 2020

  2. The same here; sorry to hear. All the best for the new year!

    1. Sorry to hear that as well.
      Hope you have a great New Year.
