Here are the first batch of painted Mithril Miniatures Orcs.
I have gone for dark look to give them that evil horde feel, and I thought that a rocky looking base would also help with that, suggesting the mountains around perhaps Mordor, the Misty Mountains, or the Lonely Mountain.
Painting over a black undercoat I painted the flesh tone Citadels Storm Vermin fur, whilst the clothing and equipment were kept to browns, black, grey, and occasional reds and greens. For the metals I chose to go for a rusty look using Citadels Typhus Corrosion, highlighted with a little silver to give the impression of chipping to the rust. Overall I wanted to maintain some of the dark depth from the black undercoat. I achieved this though mainly dry brushing and adding coloured paint more to suggest the upper colour over a dark overall feel, without getting bogged down in too much detailing.
I am very pleased with how they turned out. I like the dark look of them, and I think that the mixed earth brown and grey bases give a more realistic feel to the rocky terrain.
Enjoy :)
These look great Lee, and you really get the dark feel you were going for, and the rocky bases look perfect for the setting you are going for. Hopefully not too many distractions while you finish this army ! LOL
ReplyDeleteThank you Dave. I wanted that dark feel without making them too dark and bland. I think that the more earth and grey toned bases help.
DeleteAs for distractions, I have so many other things I could be distracted by, but I am determined to finish this army before embarking on anything else. I ave a mirror project to this, an army of Mordor using the old Citadel Middle Earth range from the 1980s. I might tackle that after this.
They are excellent, no doubt. I love how menacing they look
ReplyDeleteThank you Suber, it's good to hear that people think that I have achieved that menacing vibe I was trying to go for.