Saturday, 22 February 2025

Die Hard Miniatures Eru-Kin based to Midgard rules: part 2.

More Eru-Kin, this time blowpipes.

These are based four to a base as per the Midgard basing for Skirmishers (Shooters). I have given each set of Eru-Kin a different skin pattern to suggest different tribes, and based the schemes loosely on poison dart frog colours. I have also added a few little resin frogs and toads to the bases to give them a slightly more scouting in the wild feel.

I am pleased with how these turned out. They are quite simple to paint, Midgard doesn't have rules for blowpipes so I shall use the rules for javelins or maybe short bows. Like the rest of the Eru-Kin I am using them as a test for when I return to painting my Warhammer 2nd Edition and 3rd Edition Slann armies, testing and trying out ideas. However, as a range the Eru-Kin are lovely and fully worthy of care and attention in their own right.

In addition,  I am busy basing lots of evil things from Mithril Miniatures, mainly Orcs, as well as some other nasties as well. Also, I am re/basing some old pre-slotta and Fantasy Tribes range Goblins, Giants, and Dwarves. One of the things which I am doing is basing up some of the old Book of Battalions armies according to the Midgard multi basing. I have already based up the Glune's Trek army, but more of that later. 

Enjoy :)

Four bases of skirmishers.
Red skirmishing blowpipes.
Orange skirmishing blowpipes.
Blue skirmishing blowpipes.
Yellow skirmishing blowpipes.

Despite my basing of other things, the next update will be on some core troops for the Eru-Kin.


  1. Fantastic work Lee, like the different colours to represent different tribes, and the additions on the bases work really well, especially on those bigger bases.

    1. Thank you Dave.
      I did a similar thing when painting my Slann by having different units with different colour to represent differing tribes. It just makes them look a little more colourful and individual. I quite like the bigger bases, I think that they give a more dynamic and natural look to the units.
