This is the last Eru-Kin update for now, a final fling for froggy February! I had finished painting these a couple of weeks ago, and have moved on to painting Mithril Miniatures Orcs and other evil things, but as I have a blog backlog, here are the last of the Eru-Kin for now.
I have painted the some of the core troops, another couple of heroes, and an artillery piece with a difference. They have been great fun to paint and I have learnt a few things for when I come to paint my 1980s Slann later in the year. I also enjoyed basing them on the larger bases as I think it allows me to position them in a more naturalistic way.
Enjoy :)
Core infantry.
These bases of infantry represent the professional soldiers of the Eru-Kin, similar to the Bull Slann of the old 3rd Edition Slann army list. I chose to give each regimental base the same weapon and helmet to suggest a more uniform and organised military unit than the tribal warriors. I have also painted all of the non-tribal Eru-Kin in the classic Slann green flesh colour, saving the more exotic skin colouration for the tribal warriors.
The green plumed regiment.
The blue plumed regiment.
The red plumed regiment.
The pink plumed regiment.
These bases of infantry represent the professional soldiers of the Eru-Kin, similar to the Bull Slann of the old 3rd Edition Slann army list. I chose to give each regimental base the same weapon and helmet to suggest a more uniform and organised military unit than the tribal warriors. I have also painted all of the non-tribal Eru-Kin in the classic Slann green flesh colour, saving the more exotic skin colouration for the tribal warriors.
The green plumed regiment.
The blue plumed regiment.
The red plumed regiment.
The pink plumed regiment.
Tribal warriors.
As I mentioned above, I have kept more colourful skin tones for the tribal warriors, as with these red coloured Eru-Kin. I also used some old Aztec shields I had to give them a more tribal look.
As I mentioned above, I have kept more colourful skin tones for the tribal warriors, as with these red coloured Eru-Kin. I also used some old Aztec shields I had to give them a more tribal look.
A tribal warrior hero.
I wanted to have at least one tribal hero to command the tribal elements in the army. I painted him red to match the above regiment.
I wanted to have at least one tribal hero to command the tribal elements in the army. I painted him red to match the above regiment.
Both regiments of tribal infantry.
Tech Mage Hero.
This miniature is listed as a Tech Mage, but I might use him as a warrior hero. I like the mix of high-tech armour and low-tech weapons.
This miniature is listed as a Tech Mage, but I might use him as a warrior hero. I like the mix of high-tech armour and low-tech weapons.
Left hand view.
Elite Eru-Kin in Guardian armour.
I am going to use this as a long range artillery piece because he is armed with an under-slung hi-tech energy weapon. Again, that mix of the last remnants of high-tech equipment in an increasingly lower tech army.
I am going to use this as a long range artillery piece because he is armed with an under-slung hi-tech energy weapon. Again, that mix of the last remnants of high-tech equipment in an increasingly lower tech army.
Side view of the shield.
I swapped the sci-fi shield for a fantasy one to just lower the sci-fi look.
I swapped the sci-fi shield for a fantasy one to just lower the sci-fi look.
Rear view showing the energy weapon.
The whole army so far.
Next update will be Mithril Miniatures.
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