Friday 24 February 2023

The Thirteen Ushabti.

More dusty painted Tomb Kings, this time the Ushabti.

From the very first release of the Tomb Kings in 2002 I always liked the Ushabti. They were introduced as a the medium monster type for the army, in line with trolls, ogres, etc, and seemed to me to add that extra supernatural Ancient Egyptian edge to the army.

The original models are great, with the intricate detailing on the Great Weapons, and the four different Egyptian god styles, I always wanted to have a regiment for each of the gods! However, coming from the 2000's the pewter based sculpting does leave them a little static.

As for the later Finecast range of Ushabti Archers, I really never liked them when they were released, but  then I purchased some from e-bay last year and was surprised to discover they are really lovely, although Finecast is still rubbish! Given Games Workshops recent announcement concerning the return of Warhammer and the Tomb Kings, I would have thought it likely to see a newly sculpted  range of plastic kits for all the of Tomb Kings, something I am quite looking forward to.

Anyway, the Ushabti were great fun to paint. Using the dusty paint scheme they were quick and easy , and the dry brushing really brought out the details on the great weapons. 

Enjoy :)

Some of these I painted late last year, but I have only finished filling in the gaps of the great weapon regiment a few weeks ago.
A regiment of 10 Ushabti with Great Weapons.
They are all metal, except for one.
Ushabti Ancient conversion.
I used the snake head body, and used the left arm from the Liche Preist on foot miniature, and a plastic bow arm with the bow snipped off from the skeleton warrior kit. I think he turned out well and looks the part of a unit leader, with a different looking great weapon, and looking as though he is bellowing out orders or issuing a challenge to an enemy.
Standard Bearer conversion.
I used the arms from the mounted Liche Priest miniature to convert this Ushabti. I used a jackal headed body to match the standard.
Crocodile Ushabti.
Falcon Ushabti.
Snake Ushabti.
The one on the left with the more ornate great weapon is the Finecast miniature.
The fourth Ushabti and the second Jackal Ushabti.
Ushabti Archers.
Ushabti Archer.
Ushabti Archer.
Ushabti Archer.

The next update will probably be on either more Skeleton Warriors, namely the swordsmen, or some characters, as both batches are finished but awaiting photographing.

Monday 13 February 2023

Tomb Kings Skeleton Warrior Spearmen.

 I thought it was about time I focused on some of the Core Troops choices and tackled some of the of Skeleton Warrior infantry. I have 200 Skeleton Warriors, 120 unarmoured Spearmen, and 80 armoured Swordsmen. So I started with the Spearmen in late January, finishing them last week.

These are painted the same as the rest of the army, with the Khemri turquoise shields and red spear shafts. They were straight forward to paint and fun in so much as it was nice to see so many ranks of Skeletons take shape. And yes, I did paint them all in one big batch!

Enjoy :)

120 Spearmen organised into three regiments of 40 Warriors.
Battle line.
First regiment.
Second regiment.
Third regiment.
Three Masters of Arms.
As they are unit leaders I equipped them differently from the rank and file, with Khopesh swords, and slightly fancier head gear. 
Standard Bearers.

My next update will be on the Ushabti which I am currently converting and painting.