Wednesday 30 August 2017

The 101st Catachans, a Dwarf army of renown, Hobgoblins, and a very old carrier bag.

I have embarked on an 'Middlehammer' and new 8th Edition Warhammer 40k project: Catachan Astra Militarum army.

Although I already have an Imperial Guard/ Astra Militarum army in the form of the Praetorians, I wanted to do something with the metal Catachans (I was never too taken with the plastic versions) I owned. I also wanted an army that was more 'run of the mill' and less rare than the Praetorians. So, I have embarked on painting Catachans.

I like the Catachans. I like their independent nature (killing Commisars is fine by me, I never liked them or the idea) and they are a constrast to the spit and polish Praetorians. Most Catachan armies are, by virtue of the design style of the miniatures, Vietnam war era American themed. Instead of Jungle Warriors, with green combats, I have opted for a slightly different approach. As some of the Catachan miniatures have mohawk haircuts, which reminded me of the American 101st Airbourne of World War Two. So I have chosen them as a template for my Catachans.

I am painting this army, for the gaming table. I am not going to spend too much time and effort on details, but get them ready for a return to 40k gaming. I will return to them once the army is painted to add details such as eyes, and the 101st warpaint.

In addition, I have been sorting out my 3rd edition Warhammer Fantasy Dwarf army. I already have a completed army, but I wanted to do something different. I wanted to base my Dwarf army more on the Regiments of Renown, especially Prince Ulther's Dragon Company. So I have added two more regiments to the two I already owned, and in addition added and expanded Bugmans Dwarves, padded out with several interesting 1980's crossbowmen.

During a conversation on the Oldhammer Facebook group about Pygmies, I was asked how many Hobgoblins I had. So, I have added the photographs of the Hobgoblins I also added to those.

Finally, for those who are interested in fantasy art of the 1970's/80's I discovered an interesting piece of artwork by Roger Dean. On my way to Brighton, I spotted an old 1970's Virgin Record Store carrier bag for sale in a shop in Hove. Brighton had one of the first Virgin Record stores, and the carrier bag has the old Virgin logo, and an interesting artwork.

Enjoy :)

 The 101st Airbourne.
I found the artwork via a google search. It looks like an Osprey piece, but whosever it is, it belongs to them.
 An evenings worth of painting.
 Las gun armed troopers.
I have painted the combats Vallejo US Field Drab. They are basically painted, as I want to get them done. I will go back and added other details once the bulk of the painting is done.
 More Troopers.
The one on the left has the 101st Airbourne mohawk. I will add warpaint at a later date.
 Trooper and Sniper.
 Flamer and Plasma gun.
I have opted for the go old 1990's red look of the flamer. It seems to suit them, and will be easy to find on the gaming table. I did'nt go the the same red for the lasguns as I always thought it wasa little too much.
I have some gluing to do!!
 The Dwarf army of Renown.
It consists of for Regiments of Prince Ulther's Dragon Company, and the Prince himself as General; 20 Bugmans; two regiments of 10 crossbowmen mixed with Bugman Troopers; the Goblobber; two cannons; and a Wizard.
 Prince Ulther's Dragon Companies.
 First two, already painted.
 Second two.
I have given the regiment on the right a different type of shield in order to use them as an elite.
Like the Dragon Company, I have expanded the regiment. The main regiment will be a normal warrior unit with crossbows, th other two will be crossbowmen unit in support. 
The additional miniatures added to Bugmans for variety.
Goblobber, cannons, and Wizard. I have the rest ofthe Goblobber crew, I just need to find where I put them! :)
 1980's Hoblgoblins.
They are a mix of Citadel C36 pre-slotta and slotta Hobgoblins. They are all either badly painted, or unpainted, but one day I hope to paintstrip them and repaint them.
 The RR15 Despoiling Hobgoblins of the Darklands Regiment of Renown.
 Two regiments of 20 Mourngul Raiders.
 20 Mourngul Raiders, and five archers.
20 Mourngul Raiders, including one Alternative Armies Eastern Orc.
 Hobhounds and handlers.
 Hobgoblin rocket launchers, Army General, hero, and Shaman.
 On the left is Gyokurinti the Strangler.
On the right Manic Hobgoblin Hero from the BC 2 Monster start set, mounted on a Temple Dog.
Chronicle N12 Range Hobgoblins.
 Virgin Record carrier bag.
 Close up of the front, with the old Virgin logo, drawn by Roger Dean.
The rear view of the carrier bag, with a fairy riding a frog.

Next update will probably be more Catachans, although I am relly keen to sort out my Slann and paint the Melniboneans.

Tuesday 22 August 2017

The Goblin Wars.

The idea of this post is to create a narrative for the Goblin Wars, from the era of the 1st and 2nd Edition Warhammer Fantasy Battle background.  It should be taken as a bit of fun, rather than a sacrosanct piece of research. As for sources I have only used the first two editions of Warhammer Fantasy Battle, the Forces of Fantasy Supplement, and the backgrounds of the original solid based Regiments of Renown sets. I have given and referenced the various sources throughout the article and a key at the end.

Why 1st/2nd Edition only?
Well firstly it is the background to my current project of painting early solid based Citadel Dwarves/Goblins. Also 2nd Edition my favourite edition, and although I never played 1st Editon, the background and 'feel' of it fits contiguously with 2nd, more so than that between 2nd to 3rd Editions. In additon, from 2nd Edition to 3rd there was a movement from solid based miniatures to slotta bases, and a change in design. Personally I like all three editions, and both solid based and slotta minautres, but there is a definite shift in artwork, design, miniautres, and gaming concepts. With this in mind, I wanted to capture that 'early' feel of the Warhammer Worlds background and the Goblin Wars in this update.

In compiling this 'history' I have also added several photographs of pre-slotta miniatures in little dioramas, using the exact character miniatures for each entry. The only exceptions were Jaggleburst and Grimfang, who did'nt have their own models. So I used pre-slotta miniatures who to me seemed to fit the description. I have added the photographs to give an extra feel to the update, rather than it being a dry feeling text only update. Also it gives me a chance to photograph the miniatures, which was fun. Whilst photographing I realised that I need to paint more stuff! :)

The Chronology of the Goblin Wars.


After centuries of living and trading together, the relationship between the Elves and Dwarves worsens to the point of hostility. The Dwarves and Elves embark on a costly racial war which lasts for hundreds of years. The end result is a victory for the Dwarves, but at a great cost in lives and resources. The Elves leave the Old World, apart from a few rural forest scattered settlements, which culturally later become the Wood Elves.

Just after this war, their is massive volcanic activity in the Dark Lands. This results in an influx of Goblinoids from their former fertile lands.

At this time, the humans are little more than primitives tribes in the Old World (3).

Early War.

Grom, the part-breed Goblin, kills Wulfrun Willowhand the Dwarf, in a bar room brawl, reportedly over the relative merits of Old Sam's Brown and Bugman's Best (5).
Grom contemplates going for a pint of beer.
Afterall, what could go wrong?...

This action starts the Goblin Wars, and Goblinoids of all sorts invade the Dwarven Realms and lands (3).
From this point, Rug Longtooth the Great Goblin Chieftan, starts to raid the lands of the great Dwarven leader Thorgrimm Brandimm. He is joined by Jaggleburst's Red Goblin forces, and Grimfang's Night Goblins (2).
Grom's Goblin Guard invades the Dwarven Realms... does the Great Goblin Chieftan Rug Longtooth...
...Jaggleburst of the Red Goblins...
...and Grimfang's Night Goblins...
..whilst in turn Thorgrimm Brandimm defends his lands, and becomes a prominent Dwarven leader during the war. 

Bono Bugman is ambushed and killed in the Troll Country by the Cave Goblin leader Bogdan Legbreak (10).
Bono Bugmans last stand in the Troll Country.

With the death of Bono, his father Joseph Bugman forms Bugmans Dwarf Rangers, and then leads them into the Dark Lands in seach of revenge.  It was here that Bogan meets and joins forces with Golgfagg and his Ogres fresh out of the lands of the frozen north (10).
Josef Bugman takes up arms, and aided by his brewers, takes the war to the Goblins.

Mudat's Half Orc Mercenaries sack Nuln, and then move North to take part in the Goblin Wars (8).

Mid War.
The Battle of Bugmans Brewery:
Joseph Bugman returns home weary from campaigning only to find himself under attack when Bugmans Brewery is assualted by Goblins, including Bogdan Legbreak, who takes great delight in taunting Bugman with details of the killing of Joseph's son Bono. The Brewery is overrun and all the defenders killed. Joesph Bugmans body is not found, so he is assumed dead... (4).
After much campaigning, Bugman is finally forced into a last stand on his home ground at Bugman's Brewery.

The Battles of Bogdan's Stronghold:
In the First Battle of Bogdan's Stronghold, Bogdan and Golfag fall out, and Golfag and his Ogres fight their way out of Bogdans camp (7).
Bogdan and Golfag fall out!!!

In the Second Battle of Bogdan's Stronghold Golfag and his Ogres switch side in the war and join forces with the Dwarves. He then leads a group of Dwarves to attack the Goblin camp and kills Bogdan (7).
Golfag joins the Dwarves, and routs the Goblins.

Bogdan's son, Mad Eyed Hog, takes command of the Chariots and the forces of the Cave Goblins (10).

The Battle of Zhuf Field:
Grom and Mad Eyed Hogg, along with other Goblins attack and capture the Dwarven smithy (5,10). It was reported that "Many Dwarf captives were taken on this occasion, but all were doomed to a horrible death. On every day for the following month Grom had a hundred Dwarfs brought before him. He personally sat on each captive until the victim died of suffocation" (5).
Grom and his Guards, in the ruins of Zhuf Field.

Battle of Gonnear:
Grom and his Goblin Guard meet the forces of Mudat's Half Orc Mercenaries, defeating them utterly, and killing Mudat. The Toynal Tribe from with Mudat's Half Orc Mercenaries consist, now disperses (8).
Grom looks on triumphant at another victory, as he routs Mudat's Half Orc Mercenaries.

Battle of the Dwarf fortress of the Middenheim:
Goblin forces, including Grom and Mad Eyed Hog, attack the Dwarven Fortress. Grom is killed in the first assault, being succeeded by his second in command Crud Longbone, a very tall, thin, Goblin, with a distinctively long nose (5).
Crud Longbone takes command of the Goblin Guard in the ruins of Middenheim.

Late War.

The war dragged on in a battle of attrition, with the Dwarves strength being slowly weakened (3), until they  were able to to lure the main Goblin forces into a pitched battle...

The Battle of Mad Dog Pass:
The largest and final major battle of the Goblin Wars. Mad Eyed Hog, Rug Longtooth, Crud Longbone, and Golgfagg are all recorded as having fought here (2,5,7,10,) . The outcome is a great Dwarven victory, but at a cost which leaves the Dwarves weakened.
Crud Longbone leads the Goblins forces to defeat at the Battle of Mad Dog Pass.

Crud Longbone is killed and Grom's Goblin Guard wiped out (5), Mad Eyed Hogg's chariot force is dispersed (10), and Golfagg returns to the Frozen North (7). It is not recorded what happened to Rug Longtooth.

The Dwarves continue to clear the remaining Goblinoids from their lands and drive them into the Dark Lands.

The Battle of Black Fire Pass:
Harboth's Balck Mountain Boys await the Dwarves at Black Fire Pass...

In order to push and pursue the Goblinoids into the Dark Lands the Dwarves fight the battle of Black Fire Pass for it's control. The Pass was garrisoned by Harboth's Balck Mountain Boys, a group of Orcs who took part in raiding the surronding area through out the Goblin Wars (6). They are eventually joined by Notlob's Orc Artillery (9). does Notlob's Orc Artillery.

Both these regiments succeed in holding off the Dwarves for some time until they are both defeated and driven off. It was rumoured that Harboth spent his declining years cattle rustling in the deep south (6), whilst Notlob makes his escape.

Notlob makes his escape; "if only I has a bow I could have shot these Dwarves before they got here!" (he might have said...).

Post war.

The Dwarves continue to clear the Bad Lands between their realms and the Dark Lands. This is only achieved with the help of the of the primitive Human tribes, and a subtle shift in power starts to occur as Dwarven culture and power starts to decline as humanity's rises (3).

The Dwarves clear the Badlands and the Dwarf Realms.

Meanwhile the Goblinoids who fled regroup, and many form new Regiments of Renown such as Throg's Despoiling Hobgoblins, Eeza Ugezod's Mothercrushers, and some Orc Archers led by someone looking very much like Harboth.....

(1) 1st Edition Warhammer Fantasy Battle.
(2) Forces of Fantasy: 1st Edition Warhammer Fantasy Battle Supplement.
(3) 2nd Edition Warhammer Fantasy Battle.
(4) Regiment of Renown: Bugman's Dwarf Rangers.
(5) Regiment of Renown: Grom's Goblin Guard.
(6) Regiment of Renown: Harboth Black Mountain Boys.
(7) Regiment of Renown: Golgfag's Mercenary Ogres.
(8) Regiment of Renown: Mudat's Half Orc Mercenaries.
(9) Regiment of Renown: Notlob's Orc Artillery.
(10) Regiment of Renown: Battle Chariots of Bogdan The Goblin Warlord.

Tuesday 8 August 2017

Thorgrimm Brandedimm, Gobbledigook, and a few other Fantasy Tribes era chaps.

I've felt I have neglected my Fantasy Tribes Gnolls/Great Goblins and Dwarves for far too long and had a yearning to paint some before I start any next project.

As anyone who has looked at my blog before, they will know my love of Goblins, and especially the old Fantasy Tribes Gobliniods. This also extends to the Fantasy Tribes Dwarves, which I have'nt really painted much. So I picked a few Dwarves to paint, and some Gnolls/Great Goblins to paint or repaint, as well as the Gobbledigook miniature from the White Dwarf comic strip, and a more modern cottage scenery piece.

Enjoy :)
 Dwarves and Great Goblins clash in the hills during the 'Goblin Wars'.
 Thorgrimm Brandedimm.
This miniature was available via from Mail Order after collecting vouchers. He was also the Dwarf Chieftain in the 1st Edition Warhammer scenario 'Ziggurat of Doom', and armed with the magical hammer 'Foebane'.
I really like this miniature. I like that he is beckoning, taunting, any foe (probably Goblins :/ ) that stray close. His Dragon Helm is great and detailed . The photograph is'nt that great, it make the miniature look darker that he is, but we have had some odd lighting in Sussex today! 
 Rear view.
 FTS11 Dwarf Skeleton with Axe and Shield.
Again another miniature from the Fantasy tribes era I really like, this time Skeletal Dwarf. I painted him with Citadel's Nihilakh Oxide over a white undercoat to give that spooky feel to him. I only bought him recently, earlier this year, but have been wanting to paint him.
A FTD3 Dwarf with sword and polearm, and a  FTD2 Dwarf  with light Crossbow and sword.
The Dwarf with polearm is wearing some sort of Tyrolean Alpine Hat, so I painted him up in alpine greens.
 Rear view. 
The runes on the back of the read 'Karl' in Dwarf runic script. I thought that might be a good alpine Dwarf name.
He was a little Troll in an occsaional comic strip featured in White Dwarf in the mid 1980's. The miniature is from the SS6 White Dwarf Personalities box set.
 Gnolls/Great Goblins.
Both of these are Great Goblins from the slightly later C12 range of Great Goblins in 1984.
I tried out the shield painting guide in White Dwarf #101.
 Another C12 Great Goblin, this time an archer.
On the left a FTG3 Gnoll/Goblin standing with hand weapon, again, another trial using the White Dawrf #101 guide.
On the right is another of the C12 Great Goblins, this time with a 'Green Man' style shield.
I am not a great painted when it comes to shields and banners, but I am looking through and trying out the old painting guides and artwork and deciding to give it more of a go.
I bought this cottage last year at Salute from Twilight miniatures as a ranodm Goblin-esque piece of scenery. I really like the detail and look of it.
Their website can be found here:
 Side view, showing the tree stump which the cottage is built around.
 Roof top platform and cistern.
 The other side with water-butt.
Roof tiles and wood stump chimney top.
Next weeks update might be on more Gnolls/Great Goblins and Dwarves. I am also writing a history of the 'Goblin Wars' based on the background and infomation from 1st and 2nd Edition Warhamer Fantasy sources.