Wednesday 16 October 2019

Squat Assault Troopers

More Squats, this time a brief update on some Assault Troopers.

The Squat Assault squads in Hylgar's Hell-Raisers are largely armed with Las-Pistols. The early range of Squats didn't have any Squats armed with Las-Pistols, but they did have several armed with what looked like the early Bolt -Pistol. So I have just painted up that pistol in the same grey as I have with the Las-Guns. The army list is flexable, so items can be swapped out, so it wouldn't be too much to have them as bolt pistols.

The pistol armed troopers are based on three sculpts, which themselves are all releated to each other via a basic sculpt. The only difference are the heads are swapped with other heads from Squats in the same range.

Enjoy. :)
 Assault Troopers.
 From left to right:
'Heckler Smith'; 'Lee Hotchkiss'; and 'Krag Jorgenson'.
 Rear view.
 I have also painted some more Flamers, again left to right:
'Nambu Arisaka'; 'Waltha Twelvebore'; and 'Koch Wesson'.
 Rear view.
 'Roth Bergman'.
The Squat Guard Squad also required a unit leader, but one armed with a Power fist. I did'nt have any other Squats armed with one, so I painted his left arm and shoulder pad in a chrome metal to suggest either a Power Fist or Bionic army counting as one.
He didn't have his original backpack to I added an old metal Space Marine one, partly to suggest a power pack for his Power Fist.

I have nearly finished all the Squats, but I have also have a couple of other things I want to update on, so might break the Squat updating for an update or two whilst I finish them off.  :)


  1. More great looking Squats Lee, like your converted squad leader

    1. Thank you.
      Some of the early Rogue Trader era miniatures had smaller looking Power Fists, rather than the bigger ones, so I thought it might work going with the cyber look. I think the red and orange also adds to the look.
      Glad you think it works, I think he good, as wel as mean and moody! :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you.
      I might be painting more Rogue Trader stuff. I have some Chaos Renegades, and some early Tyranids/Zoats I want to do. However, now you mention Undead, and it is Halloween, I might give them some thought. I painted a Grynx this evening, as well as some more Squats!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, nearly finished. I have a few more Squats, and the Thudds Guns to finish. After that I have a dozen or so Imerpail Army Humans required for the army list, and then the army is done. :)

  4. Pretty nice! The power fist solution is quite clever, I had never thought of that!

    1. Thank you. The equipment on the wrist, and the shoulder pad, coupled with the metallic painting helps with the effect.

  5. Your Squat force gets better and better.

    1. Thank you. I only have a few left to paint so I am looking forward to doing photographs of the whole army.
