Saturday 9 April 2022

Undead Horseman/Dead Men of Dunharrow.

 I have tackled a little project I have been meaning to for a while. I had always liked Citadels 1980s Lord of the Rings range ME72 Dead Men of Dunharrow, and wanted to have a regiment of them representing an Undead Horseman Regiment for 3rd Edition Warhammer Fantasy Battle. So, I've collected a few more from e-Bay to add to the ones I already owned, creating a unit of ten.

Painting wise, I was inspired by the rule for Undead Horseman given in the 3rd Edition Warhammer Fantasy Battle rulebook, page 261. In them it states that Undead Horseman 'may move through a solid wall with a penalty of half their move'. To me this suggested that Undead Horseman were slightly more ethereal than their foot slogging counterparts, and so when painting them I opted for a more spirit look than a bone one. I achieved this by painting them Citadel Biel-Tan Green shade over a white undercoat, and then highlighting white. The armour was the Citadel Typhus Corrosion Technical paint process. I kept the rest of the details simple, with highlighted tan for the cloth, and a faded red for the shields.

I am very happy with the results. This is the first of my Oldhammer era fantasy armies regiments which I have fully painted with their movement tray, and so now I have an idea of how they will look.  

Enjoy :)

Undead Horseman.
This photograph shows more of the movement tray.
The Undead Horseman mournfully advancing.
WIP on the Empire Helblitzen. Only five more to go.

Next update will be the Empire Helblitzen which I am determined to complete.


  1. Great looking looking figures and unit. The classic Citadel LotR range had truly excellent Oldhammer figures.

    1. Thank you. Yes, you're right, the old Citadel LOTR range had some lovely miniatures which miniatures, many of which are great to use in old Warhammer armies.

  2. Oh, these are scary and unsettling. Really spectacular job!

    1. Glad you find them scary and unsettling (in a nice way I mean!), that was the look I was hoping for.

  3. Great work on the undead horseman Lee, and good progress on your Empire models too.

    1. Thank you Dave. I have just finished the Empire Regiment and so will be blogging about them in the next few days.

  4. The miniatures from Citadel's old LoTR series are truly fascinating - too bad they only produced a horseman pose for these Dead Men.
    The choice to paint them with a ghost-like appearance seems to us not only consistent with the WHFB rulebook, but somehow respectful of their original look in the world of the Middle-Earth. We love this cross-contamination between different fantasy universes (and our plan to hijack a pack of gnolls into the Warhammer Empire is proof of that)!
    We also see that your halberdiers are almost ready to face the undead, if only their halberds could hurt them and didn't pass through their bodies ...

    1. Citadel did produce some infantry for the Dead Men of Dunharrow, the pack with these horsemen contained a dismounted spearman version. In addition they did a set of three alternative infantry, each one with several variants.
      There was a lot of cross-over between Citadels LOTR range and Warhammer, and often the LOTR miniatures were featured in photographs of Warhammer armies. In the Ravening Hordes army deal in about 1987 they featured quite heavily. I will see if I can post about it sometime.
      Undead cavalry could be harmed by normal weapons, although it's always good to have a hero with a magical weapon on stand-by just in case!
