This blog update is a bit of cheat really. I painted the Phroggs a few months ago, and started a draft blog update about them, but put the update on the back burner for later.
It's now later and things haven't quite gone to plan. I had been finishing off the prep work for my 3rd Edition Chaos Dwarves, and had started a major basing project for my Mithril Miniatures Orc army in line with the new Midgard rules. However, I am very ill. I was very, very busy over Xmas, and then for the last three weeks I have had flu (been in bed for a lot of the time, not eating, sleeping erratically, etc) which then developed a seperate chest infection, and which now has moved into a serious throat infection. All this has of course lead to a total stop in anything miniature related (and most other things really).
So I have fallen back on my old (only from about September 2024) Phroggs draft. But don't get me wrong, I am pleased to blog about them. The Phroggs are a 'Space Slann' style range of miniatures sculpted and produced in the UK by Pal Partha Europe. I originally purchased a few back in 2016 and painted them, and then kind of forgot about them. I then randomly saw John Blanche's 'Slaani' artwork somewhere from 40k 4th Edition (included at the end of this update) and thought that that the Phroggs would look good in that style. So I paint stripped the ones I had and purchased a few more and got started.
I wanted keep the paint scheme simple, as per the artwork. So I only used four main colours, orange for the skin, gold for the weapons/equipment, white for the clothing, and red for feathers. The only other colours where yellow/black for the eyes, a dark red for depth for the feathers, and sliver for highlighting the gold. A Nuln Oil wash was also used.
They were quick to paint, and lots of fun. I really like the miniatures, although be warned, they aren't too miniature as they are 40mm tall, more ogre sized, but not badly priced at £3.95 each. I love the new simple look, although I'm not sure on the bases. I based them up to match the Iron Claw Squats in a slightly camp sci-fi look, but might re-base them in a more jungle look. I might just have to buy some more at that time too!
Here is a link to the range:
Enjoy :)
I now have two squads of five, one Mage, and one overall Warleader.

He is actually listed as a PH011 Phrogg Science Officer, but I wanted him as a hero leader.
Listed as a PH012 Phrogg Psychic Tech-Mage, his power/force axe is supplied in several pieces, and didn't really fit very well. So a bit of cutting down and drilling created a sturdier weapon.
I particularly like this Phrogg as he has a flame thrower in the same manner as John Blanches artwork.
Good, generic squad leader miniature. My old one of these weapon broke whilst paint stripping (I dropped it!) and so it became weak and I just cut it off. I left him bare handed, but this model could easily be converted to carry all manner of space Aztec/Mayan sorts of weapons, or even be replaced with a power fist!
(all rights reserved to John Blanche).
These are fantastic, and even before seeing the last illustration, I was going to say that they had quite a strong Blanche vibe. They look terrific!
ReplyDeleteThank you Suber. They don't seem to be a popular miniatures range but I quite like their charm. When I saw the John Blanche illustration the similarity stuck me as well, and so I thought I might give it a try. They were fun to do, glad you liked them as well.
DeleteSorry to hear you have been so unwell Lee, and hope you get better soon.
ReplyDeleteThe Phroggs fit the style of the Blanche illustration well, and make a fun looking unit.
Thank you for your concern.
DeleteGlad you like the Phroggs, they are quite fun.
Great job on the Phroggs, they definitely have the Old school vibe. I used the tech priest for my newly resurrected Slann army. As they cross over well with the fantasy minis.
ReplyDeleteThese are brilliant, and the connection with the JB artwork is uncanny now you mention it.
ReplyDeleteThey are lovely, but they are very large. they do have a lot of charatcer, and are quick to paint.
DeleteFunnily enough I have just re-based them to a more jungle looking base, similar to the Eru-Kin, as I wasn't happy with the the lighter base colour. The green complements the orange skin better.