Saturday, 8 February 2025

Die Hard Miniatures Eru-Kin based to Midgard rules: part 1.

 Now I quite like the new Midgard rules, and had been fairly busy basing my Mithril Orc army in accordance to their basing. I like the multiple basing, and the idea of having hero miniatures on individual, but more heroic, almost scenic, bases. As a personal rule of thumb I have decided to base Army Commanders (and mounted heroes) on 50mm round bases (when I base some goblins and dwarves I shall add standard bearers, musicians, etc to the bases as well), and dismounted heroes on 40mm bases. I like the room it gives the miniatures. If anyone is unfamiliar with Midgard (which I am still yet to play) a useful link can be found here.

Anyway, back to the Orcs. Lots of orcs, all being based. Then I take a break, think 'I wonder what else I could base for Midgard?' Then I recall my Eru-Kin army from Diehard Miniatures which had been sitting in a box for years. The Eru-Kin are fantasy/sci-fi amphibians with a passing nod to Citadels pre slotta C32 Slann range, with some interesting additions. So, I got distracted. In fairness I have finished basing the orcs! I have however found myself happily painting a Midgard Eru-Kin army. 

Painting wise I have gone for the 1980s Slann look, with lots of gold and a dash of Aztec. As there are more sci-fi elements than the old Slann range, I have tried to create an army which is a blend of sci-fi and fantasy. I like to think of them as perhaps an Old Slann army, a few generations after the collapse of the Warp Gates and the decline of their civilisation, that is still technological to some extent, but things are starting to fall apart. I have not gone for a very precise paint scheme, but for one more suited to the tabletop, although I am still taking care in painting. The miniatures are great fun to paint, and I am also regarding them as a prelude to when I tackle my 1980s Slann army later.

Here is a link to the Eru-kin range, sculpted by Tim Prow:

Enjoy :)

Army commander.
As mentioned above he is on a 50mm base. I like the old tech weapon. He would be a Level 3 hero, with the traits: Army Commander, Amphibious, Legendary Missile, and armed with a crossbow (equivalent).
Side view of the shield. 
Although sold as a sci-fi Tech Mage, he does fit the fantasy aspect of the army nicely. He also has a bit of an Ancient Egyptian or Stargate Goa'uld feel about the sculpt.
Eru-Kin warriors.
These would be classed as Warriors (Heavy Infantry) and are eight to a base. I love how on the multiple basing you can have a lots more differing poses and a more dynamic look. The shields are great too.
Eru-Kin Mag staff unit.
These very much have a Stargate feel to them with the staff weapons. As a Midgard unit, these would count as a Skirmishers (Shooters) unit, armed with (equivalent) crossbows.
I converted (head-swapped) one of the Eru-Kin, the on second in (second from the right in the previous photograph).

Next update will be more Eru-Kin as I have already painted more. 


  1. Great work Lee, can definitely see the Stargate vibe you mention, but they are unique enough in their own right as well, look forward to seeing more.

    1. Thank you Dave.
      You're right, they do have several different influences, but they do have their own unique vibe as well. I have already painted some more and I am part way through some more infantry.
