Wednesday 22 May 2013

Orc and Goblin army finished.

I have finally got around to doing todays update, as  I have had internet problems and been offline all afternoon!

Anyway, I have finished the painting of the 3,000 point Orc and Goblin army, as listed in last weeks blog:

I had intended doing a better army shot, but have not been able to get a proper table sorted out, so they are all crammed in on the shelf where I photograph everything else.

I would be interested to know what people think of the 3,000 point list, as it is the first one I have done for a long time.

Next on the agenda is to carry on working my way through the armies. I have written up a few army lists to use as a painting/organisation guide. Might either go for the Dwarves or maybe Wood Elves, as well as working out a usable Slann list.

Hope you enjoy, and sorry about the rushed photographs.

 The whole army.
 Left side
 Centre, including the Wyverns.
 Right hand side.
 Level 20 Orc General on Wyvern.
 Close up of the General
 The other Level 20 Hero on Wyvern
 Close up
 Level 25 and Level 15 Goblin Wizards.
 First regiment of 24 Orc Boyz (Warriors), spear, light armour, shield, Standard Bearer and Musician,  and Level 10 Orc Hero with hand weapon, light armour, shield
 Second regiment of 24 Orc Boyz (Warriors), spear, light armour, shield, Standard Bearer and Musician,  and Level 10 Orc Hero with hand weapon, light armour, shield
 Third regiment of 24 Orc Boyz (Warriors), spear, light armour, shield, Standard Bearer and Musician,  and Level 10 Orc Hero with hand weapon, light armour, shield
 Fourth regiment of 24 Orc Boyz (Warriors), spear, light armour, shield, Standard Bearer and Musician,  and Level 10 Orc Hero with hand weapon, light armour, shield
 10 Orc Arrer Boyz  (archers), with light armour, shield
 10 more Orc Arrer Boyz  (archers), with light armour, shield
 20 Goblin Stickas (archers) with Standard Bearer, Musician
 29 Gobbos (warriors) spear, light armour, shield, Standard Bearer, Musician, with Level 10 Goblin with hand waepon, light armour, shield
  Man-Mangler Stone thrower
 Skull Crusher Stone thrower using orc marauder crew and a spare of from the old 1980's Orc War machine.
The other Skull Crusher Stone thrower. The Skull Crusher trebuchet set comes with a goblin crew, but in the army list is it listed with Orcs. I have the Goblin crew, but have replaced them with spare Orc crew I have from my collection. 


  1. Wow... I love the orc general! He's cool!!! So you going to do some 80's inspired freehand banners???

    1. Yes thats the plan.
      I have lots of the old White Dwarf magazines, so I intend going back and adding banners at a later date. The primary focus is to get a series of 3,000 point armies done. :)

  2. Such a great army and an inspirational achievement.

    1. Thank you, glad you like them. I think the list would work ok as a practical army.

      I am glad to have got the first 3,000 point army done, it's providing a great focus.
      This was the easy army, very little needed to be painted from scratch, and most of the Orcs were an update on the paint job and re-highlighting.

      Not sure which army to do next. Might do the dwarves next as they are in a similar state, only 30 odd warriors and a stone thrower need painting from scratch.

    2. Great idea, when you have two opposing armies you can use them to lure new people into Oldhammer! Plus the older citadel Dwarves are lovely minis.

  3. Beautiful, beautiful army, Goblin Lee, yes!! I'm finding it hard to type in a comment because I keep scrolling up to look at it again (and again)! And I love those Wyverns and your characters riding them. I dream of sharing a table and "fighting" against this army, Goblin Lee. One day, I hope! Anyway, a majestic achievement. And a nice balanced list too, one I think that would be very playable and very fun. Now please bring on your dwarves...

    1. Glad you like them, thank you.

      The army general is an old orc boar rider, and he has an old citadel metal shield from a time back in the 1980's when they sell packs of them. The other orc is one of the orcs that came with the set. The army general is similar to the other orc that came with the set that was carrying a halberd, and so was easy to subsitute.

      Glad to hear that you think that the army list is viable, it's the first I have written for 3rd Edition since the 1990's. I could'nt resist the idea of two wyverns in the army list :)
      I have been sorting out each of the armies, paint stripping/re-basing, and then writing lists to provide a focus for painting.

      The dwarf list needs a bit of tinkering, but I have got the basis of what needs to be painted.

  4. Wow, that's an incredibly impressive army you have there!
    Many old favorites in the ranks!
    I'm especially jealous of your Wyverns!
    I just have to get one of those!

    1. Thank you,

      the Wyverns are a great addtion to an army, I can recommend getting one (or two ! ) .

      As for the orcs, I tried to include a selection of different orcs, there are some lovely old characterful ones, and they seem to work well as in regiments.

  5. What a beautiful army!! So many splendid old models!!! Congratulations and thanks very much for sharing1

    1. Thank you as well,
      I wanted to get a workable army properly painted up and it's good to be doing 3rd edtion lists again and re-painting the older miniatures. They seem to have more individuality and personality to them than some of the more utilitarian sculpts that you get today.

  6. Congratulations - a horde any Boss would be proud of!

    1. Thank you,
      planning on being a Dwarf Lord for my next post. :)
